09 Mar

The planned move to jakarta, indonesia's capital, aside from the threat of pollution from rising sea levels, heavy traffic pressure is also the reason why people are forced to "flee ". This megalopolis, with a population of more than 30 million, is always the most troubled problem when people open their eyes.

Jakarta's population is not much different from guangzhou to hangzhou flights that of Chongqing, the largest population city in China, but only 661 square kilometers, compared with 80,000 square kilometers in Chongqing, the density of population is highly prominent. However, compared with the city's complex mountain geography, the flat terrain of jakarta is much less difficult in terms of infrastructure, without the need for multiple bridges to relieve traffic pressure like in chongqing. 

For reasons such as poor urban planning and chaotic road systems, jakarta is one of the world's most congested cities, which hasn't been eased even late into the night. People spend more than a half of their time on the road, and the bad traffic conditions make people prefer to rest at home rather than go out. 

We have an old saying," to get rich first road repair," the road system is smooth, not only affect people's travel efficiency, but also determine the speed of a city. Jakarta lost an average of 63 hours a year, or about $5 billion a year, or about one percent of its GDP, due to road congestion. 

In fact, the transport facilities in Jakarta are quite comprehensive, and the city has had a BRT system for a long time in addition to public transport. But because most of the vehicles are older, slow, bumpy and air-conditioned, taking a bus in the summer can be a disaster. Therefore, many citizens will choose to buy private cars as their main means of walking as long as the conditions of economic permit. 

But most people will choose electric friction as the main short-haul tool, and the flexibility of electric friction allows people to travel relatively freely through crowded roads. But when millions of electric cars roam the roads, the already congested traffic will be tested even more severely. 

To make matters worse, many small stall hawkers pulled things around the stalls, and passers-by blocked a road as soon as they stopped. As long flights to changde as this happens during rush hour, you can completely paralyze several nearby streets.

In addition, the city's traffic jam and the army of tricycles. Because there are no bus stops in some of the old streets and suburbs, citizens tend to choose cheaper tricycles as travel tools. However, these tricycle drivers tend to cross the road in order to catch up with the time, but do not obey the traffic rules at all, which makes the city traffic more chaotic. 

To avoid the rush hour, many office workers leave before dawn, but often go out at five o'clock on the way. In the face of the chaos of urban traffic, even the 24-hour traffic police are still unresolved, but it all seems to begin to ease after 2019. 

In order to relieve the traffic pressure, jakarta subway in 2019, light rail both online, but people quickly found its trouble: ticketing system is not intelligent, pay cumbersome, but also need labor to achieve most of the demand, and china has already achieved electronic intelligent payment, or even directly brush code travel convenience. 

In addition, people need to transfer to other means of transportation to get to their destination because of the shortage of routes and short distances. So compared to the convenience of public transport, private cars and even electric cars, people are not too enthusiastic about the modern tools on this tall. An interesting phenomenon is that the ground is blocked into a pot of porridge and the ground is empty. 

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