16 Feb

The Caribbean has many scenic islands, far from the mainland, allowing them to have a natural environment that is not polluted, and therefore can reject the crowds. However, most of these islands are British overseas colonies, one of which is Anguilla in the northern Caribbean. 

Before the British landed, Anguilla was home to the American Indians who had lived there for millennia. After hundreds of years of colonization, aborigines were replaced by british and african slaves, and anguilla moved from a single flights to suzhou ethnic region to a multi-ethnic island. 

The blending of various cultures has left a large number of cultural heritage sites for Anguilla. These cultures, from another continent, combined with local cultural characteristics, integrated into the cultural essence of many peoples and became the most important wealth on Anguilla, supporting the later pillar tourism industry. 

In the last century, Anguilla joined its neighbours, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and joined the West Indies Union in an attempt to free itself from British colonial control. But after years of colonization, Anguilla has become accustomed to British colonial rule and a large proportion of the island's inhabitants are of British descent, so the ideal of independence has been opposed from the start. 

More importantly, with its complex internal relations and growing conflicts, Anguilla is deeply dissatisfied with Saint Kitts's finger-pointing. In the 1960s Anguilla expelled the island's St. Kitts police and declared its independence in July 1967. 

Although independence had been declared, all aspects of Anguilla were under British influence or indirect control. Seen here, in 1969 Anguilla proposed flights from kota kinabalu to shenzhen restructuring its new government in an attempt to shake off Britain. Britain responded by sending 300 soldiers in March 1969 to roll over Anguilla's so-called upper echelons and make it a British overseas colony. 

Independence has been beaten back in more than a year, and Anguilla's residents like it even less so than the stability brought about by the British colonization. After 30 years of struggling with the island's limited resources, Anguilla began to develop tourism and offshore finance in the 1990s, becoming the world's most luxurious resort island and a famous tax haven. 

At the beginning of the 21st century, Anguilla attracted the input of many transnational tourism groups. In just over a decade, coastal areas have built luxury resorts, hotels and casinos. It is one of the world's most intriguing destinations for rich people, unlike the islands of Thailand and the Philippines. 

So visitors to Anguilla are rich and expensive, and many of the rich in Europe and the United States like to fly to Anguilla to enjoy the warm sunshine during the winter spring. Boosted by the wealthy purse, Anguilla's consumption is high and low, with a slightly more upscale holiday home costing up to $1,000 a night. 

In addition, everything you eat and drink is subject to a generous tip and a departure tax of $20. I don't have the guts to go ashore. 

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