03 Jun

Parents want to give their children the best, but the best does not mean the most expensive, the price does not fully represent the quality. Good and cheap, suitable for children is the best.

So what should we focus on when choosing milk powder for our children?

1. Applicable age of milk powder

Baby in different age stages of the body nutrition and digestion and absorption capacity is different, and milk powder is according to the age of the baby mix, so according to the age of the baby to buy milk powder. Parents should pay attention to the above marked applicable age when choosing best baby milk powder in the world. General milk powder segmentation is: 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-3 years old, according to the children in the stage to choose the appropriate milk powder.

2. Compare the ingredients of milk powder

To judge the quality of milk powder, we still need to look at the ingredients. If we ignore the price, we should consider the composition of milk powder. Milk powder containing lactoferrin this can enhance the baby's immunity, and breast milk ingredients are more similar, young children are advised to buy milk powder containing this ingredient. Choose the milk powder with less sugar even in addition, you can see the proportion of all kinds of sugar in the ingredient list. If there are too many sugar substances, it is not recommended to buy. Although this kind of milk powder tastes better, but the baby is prone to tooth decay, the mouth is also prone to bacteria.

Observe the dissolution rate and smell of milk powder

Parents in the selection of milk powder can see how the trial pack of dissolution speed, dissolution speed of milk powder is more conducive to the baby digestion and absorption. Poor quality milk powder is not easy to brew, easy to agglomerate, and there is no milk fragrance after brewing. And the quality of good milk powder after brewing milk flavor, color is milky white. Before brewing milk powder should be with light frankincense taste, if there is a fishy taste, mildew taste, sour taste, that has been bad, do not buy. When buying milk powder, parents should also check the production date and shelf life, buy the latest date of milk powder.

Although there are bad businesses in the society for the sake of profits, but only a very few, there are reliable milk sources and businesses, foreign imports can not guarantee the quality of 100 percent. There are many problems in the transportation and bottling of imported milk, and the high price will increase the economic burden on the family.

Price does not represent quality, so parents do not blindly follow the trend, only choose the right do not choose expensive. When choosing milk powder for your child, you can choose several more brands and buy a small amount of each brand. After observation and comparison, you can decide which one to give your child.

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